Most of our interventions in Eastern and Southern Africa are centred on civil society strengthening and deepening democracy and human rights through the fulfilment of rights, equal gender participation and sustainable use of natural resources. To effectively achieve this, ForumCiv regional office Eastern and Southern Africa works with a broad range of partners and stakeholders, both local and international, within the different spheres of its work.
Currently, ForumCiv's regional office Eastern and Southern Africa implements four innovative programmes.
Prioritized thematic areas
Human rights and democracy
There is great demand globally for protection of human rights, strengthening rights holder participation in decision making and making institutions accountable. This requires strengthening of civil society organizations who are now working in repressive environments, as well as other who are working towards sustainable development.
To promote human rights and democracy in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, ForumCiv partner with civil society organizations and creative actors through use of innovative approaches such as use of music, media, artivism, cultural festivals, documentaries, and investigative journalism. We addresses key issues such as shrinking civic space and interference with media and freedom of expression. We also focus on leadership and governance issues by holding governments accountable for corruption and lack of transparency.
Gender equality and equity
Despite the progress made in gender equality through shifts in laws, policies, and social norms, women remain underrepresented in leadership. Violence against women and girls is still high and access to reproductive health and rights remains a challenge in Eastern and Southern Africa region. Regional office Eastern and Southern Africa works towards ensuring that marginalised groups particularly women and youth are not excluded in the economic and political processes in the region. This is through advocating for the participation of marginalized groups in decision making at all levels of the society.
Environment and climate change
Eastern and Southern Africa region is among the worst hit regions by effects of climate change. This calls for countries to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change. ForumCiv works with civil society organizations and community-based organizations in advocating for sustainable business models that do not harm the environment. This is through building the capacity of these organizations to participate in climate change related policy issues and facilitate dialogue between rights holders and duty bearers. Additionally, ForumCiv works with lawmakers in various countries within the region to contribute to the development of responsive policies to issues of environment and climate change.
Migration and development
The human desire to seek better living conditions, peaceful and free environment is at the core of the migration-development nexus. The Eastern and Southern Africa region continues to experience an increase in migration and changing patterns in migration resulting in countries playing the roles of origin, transit and destination simultaneously. The increase in volume of migration has seen an increase in violation of migrants in countries of transit and destination whose rights need protection.
Regional office Eastern and Southern Africa partners with organizations dealing with migration and development to promote rights of migrants and empower them as development actors.
Success stories from Eastern and Southern Africa
Annual report 2023
Annual report for ForumCiv regional office Eastern and Southern Africa.
Annual report 2022
Annual report for ForumCiv regional office Eastern and Southern Africa.
Strategic plan 2021–2025
Strategic plan for ForumCiv regional office Eastern and Southern Africa.